Becoming Dangerous: How to Transform Yourself into a Force to be Reckoned With

First The Pain™
4 min readNov 18, 2020

I’m 5' 7" on a good day.

I’ve never been a big guy. Around 15 years old, I stopped getting taller while all of my friends continued to grow.

So I decided to become dangerous.

I did two things.

  1. I started to lift weights
  2. I learned how to fight.

I was so strong that I could pull my body straight up a rope, with just my upper body. I could walk on my hands and do handstand push-ups. I could even go from sitting cross-legged on the ground to a full handstand.

I learned how to submit kids a foot taller than me by watching Gracie Jujitsu videos over and over again. Even learned how to do spinning roundhouse kicks from Bruce Lee movies.

Life doesn't get easier, you get stronger

At around the ages of 14–18 years, boys attempt to establish dominance quite often.

They fight, arm wrestle, do handshake squeezes (handshakes but while squeezing with all of your might until your opponent falls to his knees or gives up), and arm punches (literally just as it sounds).

It’s just what kids do to toughen up while also establishing themselves within their hierarchies.

This also accomplishes the following: build rapport, form social bonds, increase physical strength, teach true grit, improve physical/mental resilience, as well as, weed out the weakest.

“If life gets tough, get tougher” — Ayesha

Because of my height, I appeared to be an easy target to some. I was a little reserved, short, and didn't physically look all that strong.

Often what happened was the bigger kids would challenge me, thinking they could easily build some social credibility by beating me. This often proved to be a mistake because I was strong — freakishly strong.

When you’re a young boy with no TV, no form of transportation, stuck at home most of the time with little to do but lift weights. Guess what you do? You lift weights…a lot.

I can still remember the look of trepidation in their eyes. The fear revealed itself only moments after I took hold of them. The panic on their faces told me and everyone else around exactly what they were thinking.

“One is truly dangerous when they are governed by principle and values rather than emotion or whim.” — First The Pain™️

First, it was the “oh sh**, what did I get myself into” look, and second it was the “I’m about to get destroyed and it’s too late to stop it” panic. It was too late.

There would be a moment when I would let them somewhat flounder a bit. You know, where you let the other person struggle while you look around at others with the whole “look at this fool” face.

This would then be followed by some sort of submission or embarrassing physical position — forcing them to say, uncle.

Of course, by doing this, I would only get challenged by bigger and stronger guys. Funny enough, this only served to make me stronger and more confident (and maybe a little cocky).

Although, this positive feedback loop only made me more *dangerous*.

How to become dangerous.

I’m going to define being dangerous as the following:

Physically: A person that has the ability to cause harm if and when necessary. Being able and willing to fight any necessary fights when called upon. When you know that you’re willing to put on gloves and enter any ring when the time arises, even if the possibility for defeat is obvious.

Communication: A dangerous person that speaks clearly, confidently, and directly — a dangerous person is assertive. One that doesn’t miss opportunities or allow for situations to worsen because he/she is unwilling to have uncomfortabl3e conversations.

Courage & Bravery: A dangerous person does things that scare them. Especially if they’re the right thing to do. They understand that confidence can only be gained by doing hard things.

Effectiveness: A dangerous person gets the job done. He/she accomplishes what they set out to do. They make it work. They are “go-getters” and not “stay-waiters”. An effective person is a capable person.

Principled: A dangerous person is morally and ethically driven to do the right thing. They have developed or adopted a moral code to live by. A code or set of principles that govern most of their decisions. They act accordingly and don’t react emotionally.

When your reputation is one of character, determination, and confidence; doors begin to open. You start to see challenges as opportunities. “Luck” begins to reveal its face to you.

Physical strength is not paramount in becoming a dangerous individual. Many more characteristics play a vastly more important part in making one “dangerous”

Below, I’ve included additional blog posts that will hopefully help you get there.

I wish you the best of luck in this world and hope you decide to choose the difficult road first.

Thank you for reading!

Some additional posts you can read to help you become dangerous:

  1. A Dangerous Level of Assertiveness.
  2. Dangerous Communicator.
  3. Do Things That Scare You
  4. Make Enemies on Purpose.
  5. Seeking Failure(s) Not Success.
  6. You’re Not Lazy, You’re Just Insecure.



First The Pain™

Tweeting about Helpful Herustics, Mental Models, Learning Techniques, & Body Hacks | Speaker learning how to write.