You’re not lazy, you’re just insecure.

A major reason why you procrastinate.

First The Pain™
2 min readNov 23, 2021

You procrastinate because you’re insecure. You procrastinate because you lack confidence. You procrastinate because you're full of self-doubt.

You‘ll never change until you change your beliefs.

When it comes to procrastination and overthinking, we have to overcome our self-doubt.

— Jay Shetty

Your Parents Were Wrong

They told you that you were naturally talented and gifted.

Because you believe them, new challenges become just another opportunity to prove that you’re not.

You’re insecure because you’re afraid to fail publically, proving you’re not what your parents repeatedly told you, you were.

Am I saying you’re not talented and gifted? No, you just might be. The fact is, however, there are a lot of talented and gifted people wasting away their lives.

Good looks and brain smarts aren't enough. What matters most in this world is your effort, not your natural abilities.

→→→→ Effort & Consistency Will Beat Ability Any Day ←←←←

Procrastination’s Remedy

When you prove to yourself that you can do hard things, you create what I call “Confidence Capital.”

Confidence Capital (just like real money) can be saved, spent, or wasted. Once spent, it has to be earned again and again. Also, like real money, it becomes easier to earn the more skilled you become.

Every time you do something hard you get a “confidence coin”.

Now, imagine a piggy bank that holds these confidence coins. You complete a challenging task, one coin is stored in this piggy bank. You meet with a potential client, you get another coin. You have an uncomfortable conversation, you get another coin. And so on.

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today”

— Benjamin Franklin

Eventually, you have enough confidence for something more challenging. You have enough coins saved for that big “purchase” so to speak.

Save up your “coins” for use when they’ll be needed later!

The more challenges you face, the more confidence capital you gain. When you refuse to procrastinate and face your task or challenges head-on, you build up a store of this vital confidence currency.

Prove to your parents that what matters most is your effort and action. Not your good looks, natural abilities, or God-given talent.

You’re only special IF you act. You’re only gifted IF you employ effort.

You only procrastinate because you’re insecure. Start earning your confidence capital now.

Thanks for reading!

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First The Pain™

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