Expand Your Focus: How the Pomodoro Technique Stretches Your Cognitive Abilities

First The Pain™
3 min readNov 3, 2021


Some benefits of the Pomodoro Technique include:

• Improved focus and concentration.

• Less stress

• Better interruptions management.

• Higher levels of motivation.

Invented by Francesco Cirillo in the ’80s as a university student who himself was struggling to complete assignments.

It has been scientifically proven to instantly help you concentrate and accomplish more focused work for longer periods.


The average mind wanders anywhere from 15 to 20% of the time, according to researcher Jonathan Schooler.

If you’re like me, you also struggle to sit and focus for extended periods.

This technique massively improved my workflow.

The technique has 3 rules for getting the most out of each interval.

Rule 1: Break complex projects into smaller tasks.

Rule 2: Group small tasks together.

Rule 3: Do not break a Pomororos with distractions.

Now let’s get to the 6 steps of the Pomodoro Technique.

Step 1:

Choose a single task you will focus on and write it down.

Have a written “Must-Do” list before working. (Only important items.)

Step 2:

Set a timer for 25 minutes.

A phone timer will work but a kitchen timer works best.

Step 3:

Make sure to work on the task until the timer rings and then place a checkmark on your paper.

Visual tracking of time & work is essential.

Step 4:

Take a short 5-minute break.

Don’t forget to set the timer.*

Step 5:

Set time for 25 minutes and begin working again.

Take another 5-minute break.*

Step 6:

Now after 3–4 sessions of this, take a longer break.

Anywhere from 20–30 minutes.*

Remember no technique is 100% perfect for everyone.

So make sure you experiment with time and sessions.

Find what works best for you!

I hope you find value in this technique as I did!


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To Summarize:

  • Use a timer (preferably not your phone)
  • Take breaks
  • Take longer breaks after multiple sessions
  • Experiment

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First The Pain™

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